Mustang Creek Mitigation Bank
APPROVED - Mustang Creek Mitigation Bank Serving the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
Ironwood Resource Advisors is thrilled to announce Mustang Creek Mitigation Bank (MCMB) has been approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Mustang Creek will generate over 25,000 in-channel TxRAM stream credits and 240 riparian buffer credits.
The bank site is 15 miles southwest of downtown Fort Worth in Johnson County, Texas in the Lower West Fork Trinity (HUC 12030102) watershed of the Trinity River basin. Mustang Creek is a headwater stream within the Upper Trinity River basin, one of the most ecologically significant basins in the state. The goal of MCMB is to provide high-quality restoration, creation, and enhancement of stream ecosystems as compensation for adverse impacts to Waters of the United States (WOTUS) in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro area.
Mitigation banks provide a private sector solution for off-site compensatory mitigation for impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and streams, authorized by the USACE under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
For more information relating to Mustang Creek and conservation projects in Texas, visit our website at or contact Troy Madrigal at 281-795-1469,